Program Development
Our team specializes in the following services:
- Technical writing of documented plans, policies, procedures, and processes customized to client needs, including site locations and RTO/ISO energy market participation.
- For transmission and generation clients operating across the United States and Canada.
- For generating clients participating in non RTO/ISO energy markets or markets such as CAISO, ERCOT, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM, and SPP.
- Internal compliance programs to documented actionable activities based on assigned roles and responsibilities.
- Evidence Identification to reasonably demonstrate compliance with NERC and Regional Reliability Standards encompassing the operations, planning and security [Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)] of the Bulk Power System.
- Managing NERC Compliance Programs through facilitation and support of client Subject Matter Experts.

Program Benchmarking
Our team specializes in the following services:
- Conducting mock audits and gap analyses of Reliability Compliance Programs or specific NERC or Regional Reliability Standards.
- Assesses compliance program maturation and culture for readiness of internal controls.
- Facilitating root cause analyses following potential non-compliance and near-miss events, including for PRC-004 and PRC-030 evaluations.

Program Support
Our team specializes in the following services:
- Augmenting client staff during FERC, NERC, and Regional compliance monitoring and enforcement activities, such as compliance audits, self-certifications, or self-reports.
- Analytical narrative writing for Reliability Standard Audit Worksheets (RSAWs) and other compliance documentation.
- Assesses compliance program maturation for readiness of internal controls.
- Facilitating root cause analyses following potential non-compliance and near-miss events, including for PRC-004 and PRC-030 evaluations.

Client Training
Our team follows a systematic approach when providing training:
- Designs customized training for a targeted audience based upon client materials or generalized training from published industry and regulatory documentation.
- Develops training for classroom or remote synchronous learning environments or asynchronous computer-based training.
- Implements training to scaleable length to maximize attendee availability or accommodate continuing education requirements.
- Optional development of handouts or evaluations for clients to determine the effectiveness of the training and the readiness of their staff.
- Facilitates job task analyses with client to determine an entity’s reliability-related tasks that can then be used as future training topics.
- Creates and enhances On-The-Job (OJT) training materials and other job aids and for client system operators and their trainers.

Program Intelligence
Our team follows ongoing activities and initiatives of the ERO Enterprise:
- Summarizing ongoing observable activities of paramount NERC standard development projects and other ERO Enterprise initiatives.
- Simplifying the complexities of FERC final orders and Notices of Proposed Rule-making issuances.
- Reporting critical information presented during NERC Standing Committee meetings, such as the Standards Committee (SC) and the Member Representatives Committee (MRC).

Regulatory Reporting Expertise
Our team specializes in the comprehensive reliability reporting under Section 1600 of the NERC Rules of Procedures:
- Generating Availability Data System (GADS) for conventional, wind-powered, and solar-powered generating facilities.
- Transmission Availability Data System (TADS)
- Misoperation Information Data Analysis System (MIDAS)

Ensure Compliance Today
Partner with Van Gheem Energy Consulting for expert guidance on your NERC Reliability Compliance Program

Contact Us
(317) 362-1024