Our team specializes in the following services:

  • Technical writing of documented plans, policies, procedures, and processes customized to client needs, including site locations and RTO/ISO energy market participation.
    • For transmission and generation clients operating across the United States and Canada.
    • For generating clients participating in non RTO/ISO energy markets or markets such as CAISO, ERCOT, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM, and SPP.
    • Internal compliance programs to documented actionable activities based on assigned roles and responsibilities.
  • Evidence Identification to reasonably demonstrate compliance with NERC and Regional Reliability Standards encompassing the operations, planning and security [Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)] of the Bulk Power System.
  • Managing NERC Compliance Programs through facilitation and support of client Subject Matter Experts.

Our team specializes in the following services:

  • Conducting mock audits and gap analyses of Reliability Compliance Programs or specific NERC or Regional Reliability Standards.
  • Assesses compliance program maturation and culture for readiness of internal controls.
  • Facilitating root cause analyses following potential non-compliance and near-miss events, including for PRC-004 and PRC-030 evaluations.

Our team specializes in the following services:

  • Augmenting client staff during FERC, NERC, and Regional compliance monitoring and enforcement activities, such as compliance audits, self-certifications, or self-reports.
  • Analytical narrative writing for Reliability Standard Audit Worksheets (RSAWs) and other compliance documentation.
  • Assesses compliance program maturation for readiness of internal controls.
  • Facilitating root cause analyses following potential non-compliance and near-miss events, including for PRC-004 and PRC-030 evaluations.

Our team follows a systematic approach when providing training:

  • Designs customized training for a targeted audience based upon client materials or generalized training from published industry and regulatory documentation.
  • Develops training for classroom or remote synchronous learning environments or asynchronous computer-based training.
  • Implements training to scaleable length to maximize attendee availability or accommodate continuing education requirements.
  • Optional development of handouts or evaluations for clients to determine the effectiveness of the training and the readiness of their staff.
  • Facilitates job task analyses with client to determine an entity’s reliability-related tasks that can then be used as future training topics.
  • Creates and enhances On-The-Job (OJT) training materials and other job aids and for client system operators and their trainers.

Our team follows ongoing activities and initiatives of the ERO Enterprise:

  • Summarizing ongoing observable activities of paramount NERC standard development projects and other ERO Enterprise initiatives.
  • Simplifying the complexities of FERC final orders and Notices of Proposed Rule-making issuances.
  • Reporting critical information presented during NERC Standing Committee meetings, such as the Standards Committee (SC) and the Member Representatives Committee (MRC).
  • Generating Availability Data System (GADS) for conventional, wind-powered, and solar-powered generating facilities.
  • Transmission Availability Data System (TADS)
  • Misoperation Information Data Analysis System (MIDAS)

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(317) 362-1024